Sojourning on Venice Beach


God called the dry land earth, and the gathering of the waters He called seas; and God saw that it was good.

Who can limit the sun

From sending forth its heat?

Who can silence the steady

Rhythm of ocean waves?

When the sea breeze blows steady

Who can but breathe deep and be thankful?

At night

The stars shine forth

For all mankind to see and wonder

Dare I limit the joy?

Or try to capture it

And hold it fast

Since the days are short?

What am I

But just one mortal

Walking these sandy shores

Of the vast and beautiful Pacific

For me there is no past

I cannot see the future

But oh today

Today is my life

I breathe again – a deep

Deep breath

Let me hold the ocean air


In this moment

In this second

Let me live today


Yes, thankful

For this journey of the



Pacific glory

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